Enhanced Calendar View!
Visually manage your music production, releases, and day-to-day activities with the new Calendar View.
If you have many ongoing music projects or lots of licensing activity, it can be difficult to visualize time-sensitive events at-a-glance by looking at a long list. Things like project/album deadlines, tasks, and license expiries and renewals drive your music production and promotion and should be front and center in your music management efforts.
For this reason, Magnetracks has released the new Calendar View. This slick calendar interface is accessible from any area in Magnetracks that involves dates (projects, licenses, activities, live shows), and offers daily, weekly or monthly views. Plus, rescheduling events is as easy as dragging and dropping them to a new day and time! Any email notifications you’ve created will automatically be sent to the assigned person.
You’ll find the new Calendar View option next to the View Selector whenever you’re looking at a list. For a broader view of all your time sensitive stuff in one place, click the calendar icon on the right of the top menu bar.
Google Calendarâ„¢
If you use Google Calendar as your personal calendar, you can now display it alongside all your magnetracks activity, by simply turning on that ‘layer’! You’ll just need to give yyour Google ID (email address), and authorize it from within your Google account, and your ready to go.